Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week 7 - Task 2 : Obama in Chicago

Obama, who is the 44th president of the United States had a speech in Chicago on Nov 4th 2008. In his speech, he showed that no matter that you are in any sections and classes like young or old, rich or poor, black or white, disable or not disable, we are and always be the United States of America. In his speech he said that he will bring a change to America. By the way, he had been talking about Mc.Cain such as Mc.Cain fought harder and longer in this campaign and he has sacrified for America and he had called Mc.Cain was a brave and selfless leader that he love to work with Mc.Cain. After that, Obama had promised that he will make the goverment of people, by the people and for the people. Also, he had promised that he will give hope to people, listen to people - help them and he will do everything that we appeal to him.

  • I was so impressed by Obama, he inspired me and made me feel very good in the future of the USA. Also, he made me change my mind about the election day, how the election day is important..... I think and I hope that he can do what he said, and how he will change not only The United States but also our world!!!
  • New words:
  1. Elect (adj) : is chosen
  2. Campaign (n): ex: an electoral campaign. support people to do something together.
  3. Sacrifice (v) : There is something you have and you give all of them to someone or something that you believe or love.

1 comment:

Thao le said...

Hi jodi, this task is very interesting , My sister lives in Chicago and she joined to hear Obama's speech, it's cool.
everyone does the same thing about this task, so easy to understand^^. I hope Obama will do what he said,and changes will bring the good things for us ^^.which change do you want Obama do, Jodi?