Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 3: Task 1 - A difficult decision

This movie is about a dog, his name is Jake, he is 3 months and has chocolate hair. Unfortunately he is suffering from violent seizure. And in the last few days, his seizure became worst. Because of this, he is always like disorient, he walks into the walls, and his owned is thinking about letting him go to sleep!

After the test by the doctors, In his brain, the size was double than normal and totally full of water, so finally Jake was diagnosed that he is in trouble and they decided for Jake goes to sleep by use overdose anesthetic....

I choose this movie because first of all I like animals, especially is dogs....After watched this movie, I was moved, that dog, Jake , he is a lovely dog, and his owned has loved him so much, when she cries to making the decision that let him go to sleep, and forever never wake up, I can understand that was a hard decision for her. In my opinion, the first time I saw it, I think that is so merciless, how can they do that to a dog, but after that, thinking again, I think that is also the best way for Jake, die quietly, no hurt......and like the last sentence that the doctor said in the movie:"It's the best thing, the best thing for him, he had a good time, a good time in his life.."

New words:

  1. overdose (n) (v): use something too much

  2. anesthetic (n): is medicine use for make someone go to sleep for a while.

  3. compress (v): to pressure or press something


Thao le said...

Hi Jodi,your blog is very good,pictures are very nice,evrything is perfect,good job,continue like that,have a good day,see you later,hii^^

Anthony said...

Hey Jodi~when I came to your blog,I was really surprize!
Bcuz,Korean language appeared on your main picture! maybe you r interested about koream language, right? :)