Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 3: Task 3 - What dreams are made of (Soundtrack of Lizzie Mcguire)

Verse 1:

Have you ever seen such a beautiful night

I can almost kiss the star for shinning so bright

When I see you're smiling I go...Oh Oh Oh

I won't never want to miss this

Cause in my heart, I know what this is..


Hey now, hey now....this is what dreams....are made of

Hey now, hey now...This is what dreams...are made of

I've got, somewhere I belong

I've got, somebody to love

This is what dreams....are made of

Verse 2:

Have you ever wondered what life is about...

You can search the world and never figure it out

You don't have to sail the ocean...No No No...

Happiness is no mystery Its..

..here and now It's you and me yeah..

Repeat Chorus:

Hey now, hey now....this is what dreams....are made of
Hey now, hey now...This is what dreams...are made of
I've got, somewhere I belong
I've got, somebody to love
This is what dreams....are made of

Hey now...this is what dreams

Hey now...this is what dreams


Open your eyes....This is what dreams are made of

Shout to the sky..This is what dreams are made of

When I see you're smiling I go...Oh Oh Oh

Yesterday, my life was duller

Now everything technicolor

Repeat Chorus:
Hey now, hey now....this is what dreams....are made of

Hey now, hey now...This is what dreams...are made of

I've got, somewhere I belong

I've got, somebody to love

This is what dreams....are made of

******I chose this song because it's so kute and youthful song, I love the melody and the lyrics also! This song is talking about the dream, and someone that are important to you, and all of that, just dream and hope, your dream can come true!

New word:

  1. figure out (v): Understand, can guess, caculate
  2. Sail (v): Across
  3. Dully (adv): Boring, gloomy
  4. Techinicolor (n): motley, colorful

Homework: My hometown

I lived in Hochiminh city which is a biggest industry, trading and service city in southern of Vietnam.

Hochiminh city was named of the president who was brought the independence for Vietnam. We have 2 seasons in hochiminh, one it's raining season and one it's sunny season, so the weather in hochiminh city is very warm, if I don't say that it's hot! Hochiminh city has the highest in population and has the strongest economic also. Because of that, every year we have a lot of people from another place in VN or even in international come to Hochiminh city to settle, study or for business...

The food in VN is very good, we have the variety of food like: Pho, Bun Bo, Bun rieu, Canh Bun....the price is very cheap too...that why when I came here, to Seattle, I saw the price and then I don't want to eat Pho although that's my favourite ...

I really love my city, a city that is compared with the soul and the heart of VN and also is the economic capital and the cultural trendsetter. There are still have so much more not only about Hochiminh city but also VN, after this entry if you want to know more about Vietnam or visit it, I'm very pleasant to be your tour guide ^___^

Week 3: Task 2 - Enchanted Trailer

This film is about a young girl live in a animated fairy tale world, and she has been fallen in love with the prince who is handsome, sing well just like in her dream...Then, she is going to marry the prince and will become a princess but her dream was prevented by the prince's mother, who is a evil queen...She uses her black magic to send our the princess to a world, where there is no the notion about true love.....Manhattan!! That time is when the fairy world and the real world become one, and the princess becomes a real girl live in Newyork city...After that, she met a guy who is a lawyer lives with his young daughter and she was fallen in love with that lawyer....But what she is going to do while the prince is coming to rescure her to go back home!! Of course that finally, our princess still can find her truth love and they are living hapily never ever after....

I chose this trailer because I want to introduce you guys about a one of bomp-buster in last summer. This film tells us about the truth love, which is so frail and impossible in this real world, but the princess, she still dreams and make it's become true! I've studied that nothing is impossible, just dream and belive in that, your dream will come true!! I really like this film, after saw it, I feel love myself, my life, and everybody around me more! It's also a good and lovely film for all of us!! I'm sure of that!! ^__^

New word:

  1. motion picture (n): a kind of film is projected only in the movie theater
  2. Animated (adj): synonym with ebullient, vatality, lively, happy
  3. Bomp-buster: a big film is expected by everybody

Week 3: Task 1 - A difficult decision

This movie is about a dog, his name is Jake, he is 3 months and has chocolate hair. Unfortunately he is suffering from violent seizure. And in the last few days, his seizure became worst. Because of this, he is always like disorient, he walks into the walls, and his owned is thinking about letting him go to sleep!

After the test by the doctors, In his brain, the size was double than normal and totally full of water, so finally Jake was diagnosed that he is in trouble and they decided for Jake goes to sleep by use overdose anesthetic....

I choose this movie because first of all I like animals, especially is dogs....After watched this movie, I was moved, that dog, Jake , he is a lovely dog, and his owned has loved him so much, when she cries to making the decision that let him go to sleep, and forever never wake up, I can understand that was a hard decision for her. In my opinion, the first time I saw it, I think that is so merciless, how can they do that to a dog, but after that, thinking again, I think that is also the best way for Jake, die quietly, no hurt......and like the last sentence that the doctor said in the movie:"It's the best thing, the best thing for him, he had a good time, a good time in his life.."

New words:

  1. overdose (n) (v): use something too much

  2. anesthetic (n): is medicine use for make someone go to sleep for a while.

  3. compress (v): to pressure or press something

Sunday, rainny...(Oct 05)

Sunday.....in the morning just stay at home and do homework (good student :D) until afternoon, 2 my housemates: Korean and Chinese girl and me went to Lincoln Park.... Yah, At first I thought it's a big park, but actually it's just have some games and 1 big football ground there =___=
This picture is on the way go to park, that is Chinese girl
That's me!! T___T a little crazy!! :)) this picture is playing Swing

Then, we played Slide

After that is Teeter haha

Finally is this, I don't know how to called this......@___@ after played this game I was a little dizzy, T___T it was fun but also hard to keep balance too.... Ah and this is my friend Korean girl!! ^___^
Uki, sunday was go by, tomorrow it will be monday..... must keep going to school.....T____T and keep doing homework....hux hux hux and i also come back to my homework now, see everybody at school!! ^___^ paipaiiii

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

1st entry: welcome 2 my blog ^___^

Hi guys! My name is Jodi, that's my English name, you can call me Jo ^__^ I came from Vietnam, so my name in Vietnamese is Tram. Actually I have a nickname too ....is Pu, you can see that like my display name and blog's name. PU-KU-I-NU are Japanese words, PUKU is the name of the dog that I read in comic book, of course from Japan too ^^ and I -NU is mean dog....

I'm 17 years old now, this is the first time I have visited here, in Seattle, and also the first time I go to somewhere without my parents. I really enjoy living here, maybe when I graduate and find a good job here maybe I will bring my parents to Amarica.

My favourite food is Pho and I love it so much, that's also my traditional food in VN. I can eat Pho the whole day and ice-cream too, sometimes I like shopping when I have free time. My favourite singers are Bi-Rain (the singer come from Korean) and Britney Spear, especially is Britney, her music is the 1st English music I heard when I was a child and began that I become her fan!

I love cold weather in Seattle especially is snow. Maybe because in VN we don't have snow, so right now I can't wait to see snow in winter.

In VN I lived with my parents and young brother, he's 6 months now ^__^ and now in Seattle I'm living with the host Philippine family and with other 2 girls from Korea and China in West Seattle.

Right now, I'm having so much fun with my friends in SCCC. And I've studied a lots from another cultural, not only in America but also in Korea, Japan, China....That's really cool!!! ^___^

If you guys want to talk with me, feel free, just left comment and I will reply it soon! Thanks for reading my 1st entry.......^^