Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 6 : Task 3 : Halloween history

Halloween which is a patchwork, stick together with cultural, religious and decode tradition. More than 2000 years ago, in Europe, Oct 31st was the day that people celebrated the end of the harvest season and there was also the magical day that ghosts from the death came back to life. According to the video, Halloween was called that Hallowmas (Hallow meaned: Holy) . On 1840, Halloween was brought into America. Children've wore masks so they won't be recognized to play a game called Trick or treat. However, back to the 1930s, the tradition has become too dangerous and rude such a vandalism like give candy or your house will be trashed...

New words:

  1. patchwork (n): connect something together
  2. vandalism (n) : a destruction of public or private property.
  3. trash (v) : destroy (property)
  4. gaze (n) (v) : Stare at somebody

Week 6 - Task 2: Costumes too sexy for kids?

Nowday, customes for Halloween become too sexy for kids, younger and younger. Such as: Playboy cupid, French maid, Pirate, Gothic Naughty nurse, Fallen angle, Corset Fairy Teen...are made for children. According to the costume designer, nowaday, kids are being influenced by fashion and music like some actress such as: Britney Spears, Hanna Montana,...... so their job is making the costumes which follow the trend of fashion and by this occasion, they design costumes that children want to buy. But after all, the dicisions of their parents are the most important whether they want to dress up like that.

I chose this video. 1st, because it refers to Halloween :D. 2nd: I love costumes in Halloween day, that's why I was a little shock when I saw this video....Costumes are very important, it's like a symbol of your character, so if I had children, I would not let my daughter or son dress up like that....

  • New words:
  1. racy (adj): sexy and no steady
  2. deal (v) : concern or mention about
  3. willing (adj) : pleased or agree doing something.
  4. Particular (adj) : more common and usual or exception

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 6 - Task 1: Firefly (song)


Verse 1:

When i said go, I never meant away

You ought to know, the freaky games we play

Could you forgive and learn how to forgive

Hear me as I'm calling out your name


Firefly come back to me

Make the night as bright as day

I'll be looking up for you

Tell me that you're lonely too

Firefly comes lead me on

Follow you into the sun

That's the way it ought to be

Firefly comes back to me

Verse 2:

You and me, we share a mystery

We were so close, liked honey to the bee

And when you tell me how to make you understand

I'm minor in a major kind the way

Firefly come back to me
Make the night as bright as day
I'll be looking up for you
Tell me that you're lonely too
Firefly come lead me on
Follow you into the sun
That's the way it ought to be
Firefly comes back to me


Firefly through the sky

Come and play with my desire

Don't belong, don't ask why

I can't wait another night

Firefly through the sky

Wait another night

Chorus again

  • This song is one of my favourite songs. When I hear this song, the tune makes me feel younger and have more joy for living :)) (maybe I'm too old now, hahaha..) This song is sung by a popular band in the past, they have a lots of song like :Up side down, Can't help falling in love...I really love two boys in this band, especially is the boy with yellow hair.......oh my god, he's so handsome!! ^___^ According to this song, the lyrics are about a friendship which is between a child and a fire-fly... This is a song not only for adult like teenagers but also for children. I hope that everyone after hear it will love it like I do!!! ^^

  • New words:
  1. Fire-fly: is an insect which likes a bee actives at night and luminesces light in it's abdomen.
  2. minor: lesser in amount, number
  3. major: opposite with minor, greater in amount or number.
  4. Desire: a wish, covet or want

Monday, October 20, 2008

Song: A girl loves the moon!! enjoy it!! ^^ There was me in the video!! ;;)

I was about 4,5 years old in this video clip ^___^ I looked so stupid at that time!! :)) hahaha. You guys can see that I was so thin when I was a child but now T____T.......... I look a little fat!!! This video clip was about a girl loves the moon by her voice and she was enjoy singing under the moonlight. She wants the moon will never set so that she can sing with it all day long!! This is a children song, so the lyrics are very easy to remember!!! ^__^

A, you guys can enjoy it and guess which girl is me?? :D

My host family's dog

This video is about my host family's dog. His name is Akhona. He is cute and smart although in this movie he was a little silly :)) He's very interested in everything that have a reflection like mirror and in this movie I use the flashlight....=)) I really enjoy playing with him after I finish my class or my homework!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 4: Task 3 - Arctic Dinosaurs

(Chapter 5: Path to Extinction)

This video is about 70 million years ago, when the North Pole was far away from the sun so they had been in the darknes about 6 weeks in winter, the North Pole was so cold and there wasn't a lots to eat at that time because the trees was in dormacy.....Because of that, with 4 months of darkness during the long winter, Dinosaurs had to move to another place to find more food and better condition to survive.....They had to walked 5000 miles, nearly the distance from New York to Los Angeles to escape the darkness and cold!

I choose this video because I like dinosaurs and want to understand more about their life also their habit.

New Word:

  1. Dormancy(n): sleeping
  2. Torpid (adj): Tired
  3. Trek (n): Migration, move from this place to another place.

Week 4: Task 2 - Dog's best friend (King5)
This movie is bout Craig Mosher and his best friend, Looie. Craig adopted Looie when he saw Looie was attacked by some people and he was bleeding. Untill now, Looie becomes a big and strong dog but unfortunately, he was paralyzed 4 years ago and his hindlegs couldn't move........Although that, Craig still there for his best friend. Everyday, Craig take Looie go around the neighbours although Looie is unable to walk and Craig has to hold the hindlegs of Looie......Craig is 60 years old now, but all what he wants is grow old with Looie because he said "Looie is a wonderful guy and he is my best friend, he deserves love and expected"....

I choose this video because I really like the story between Looie and Craig. This is uncommom story about love and devotion of friendship, it's also a moving video. By the way, there is a love between dog and human, like best friend to best friend, whatever this person get sick or in danger, the other will still be there to help!!!

New words:
  1. Tone up (v): make someone feel strong, better.
  2. Devotion (n): do something with all your heart, your soul
  3. Paralyzed (v): be frozen, cannot move or walk.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 4: Task 1 - Wall-E

This film is about 700years in the future, when our Earth is polluted by trash so human were leaving the Earth and moved to live in the huge spaceship. On the Earth, there are one robot is living and having a mission is clean up, his name is Wall-E. After all these years, he've become a robot which has emotion and feeling like human.....but after all, he fell lonely....One day, had another robot, her name is Eva, her mission was checking the Earth, does it has life now or not?? And then, 2 robot met each other, Wall-E is fallen in love with Eva, and of course when Eva finished her mission, she had to come back to the spaceship, after that the adventure of Wall-E was just rescue Eva and to take her come back the Earth with him......Finally, Wall-E not only brought Eva come back with him but also he made human return their home after a long time and make them realize that nowhere better than their home, their planet.

I really love this movie, I like Wall-e, although he is just a robot, but he has a heart like human, because he lives alone on the Earth so he just has only one cockroach is his friend, and how is he naive when he can distinguish which one is trash and which one is valuable. Furthermore, the way that he try to run after Eva, across the galaxy to bring her come back because he thought that she is arrested. So much so much about Wall-E that I can stop smiling and love him. Otherwise, this movie also teach us that protect our environment, out planet before it becomes too late, and if that happens, like in the movie, the human must live in space and completely depend on machines, robots and we will become obese, too fat, that we can't do anything even eating, playing if we don't have a help from machines, and that is really really awful!!!

New word:
  1. Gorgeous (adj): beautiful, luxurious
  2. Cockroach (n): an insect have a brown color that is very dirty, always lives in garbage, or some place is dirty.